

How to make your own stop motion animation UNDERGROUND HIPHOP
Stop motion animation is very easy to do. I does require taking a whole lot of pictures and some time. Basically what you need to start is a camera. Grab an object you want to use in your video. Set up your item on a counter, tabletop or any scene that you have set up on your own. Now set your item on the area and snap a photo. Then move your item just a very little and snap another photo. Keep repeating this process until you have taken enough shots. Typically you want to run your video at about 15 shots per second. So think for every 15 pictures you take that would be one second on your movie. When your done with that process you can upload the photos onto your computer. There are many different softwares out there to use. I own a mac so I use a free app called Zeitraffer. With this app all I have to do is upload the photos onto my mac into a folder. I open Zeitraffer and choose the folder I uploaded my photos into. This app creates a movie and you can adjust the shots per second. Like I said before 15 frames per second is ideal, but you can adjust. I take that movie I created with Zeitraffer and open it up on imovie which is a video editor. There I can add sound effects and adjust whatever I need. Take movie and upload it onto or keep it for yourself. And there you have it. Just a basic idea of how to do it.

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